Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hi everyone! Unfortunately I have been so so busy lately and my poor blog had to suffer. But I'm back in action now. And even though I wasn't able to blog about it - Part 2 of my challenge has still been going on. I had mentioned before that I like to weigh myself everyday despite everyone's warnings against it. Well... my beloved scale was packed away for a few days so I couldn't keep track lately. I'm sure you can imagine the agony I was in. Finally yesterday I was able to unpack it and with much anxiety weigh myself to see the progress I had made since last week. I am very happy to report that I am officially down 8.5 lbs since I first began my diet! Yay me!! Phew... what a huge relief! So that leaves me with only .5 lbs to lose before next Wed. Seems pretty do-able I think. I need to make sure not to do anything disastrous this weekend. If I can make it though that then I should be good to go for Wed.

Here was the menu from yesterday:

9:00am: Handful of Pretzel Sticks

1:00pm: Wahoos Banzai Chicken Bowl
** Wahoos is a great fast food type mexican place. Kind of like Rubios but better I think. Except for my WW staple, Rubios Health Mex Chicken Salad. Mmmmm...
Anyway... The Banzai bowl has grilled veggies, chicken, brown rice, beans, and salsa. It is quite delicious and quite filling as well. I wouldn't go as far to call this a low cal meal. But it has healthy stuff in it and was very high in fiber I'm sure. The bowl itself is rather large and even though my lunch partner could not finish hers I will gladly admit that I got through about 90% of mine.
I think it's good to sometimes eat your biggest meal in the middle of the day rather than for dinner. I know that this is easier said than done but I'm starting to realize that for dieting purposes it really helps. I have also been trying to eat my dinners earlier in the night when I can. I know it's not always possible but it's just good to keep in mind every once in a while.

4:45pm: Yogurtland Frozen Yogurt (w/sprinkles obvi)
** Yeah that's right. You heard me. Fro Yo for dinner. I can't think of anything better.

So that was my whole day yesterday. I know it may seem a little bit strange but my lunch filled me up so I really wasn't too hungry until much much later. And when you get home at 10 it's easy to just get right in bed instead of eating. Well actually that's not really true. In my fantasy world where I can eat whatever I want and not gain any weight, I would have stopped at Taco Bell on my way home and picked up my favorite 2 Chalupa meal to eat as soon as I got home. Sigh... only in my dreams.

Well anyway I am definitely going to try and keep up with posting as often as possible. Especially cause I know you're all DYING to see how I'm doing.
Oh and I should have the workout song list up pretty soon too. Need to get back to working out. Ugh.

Ok I'll see you all soon! I hope not sporadically!

Wait one more thing... I just checked and tomorrow will officially be 1 month from when I first started doing this. Not the blog but the diet, challenge, whatever. 8.5 lbs in 4 weeks - not too bad huh. I wonder how much more I can lose in the next 4. =)

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