Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Things are still on track for the most part. I am still down around 8-8.5lbs. I haven't had the best last few days which means I'm not really losing anything but just maintaining. I'm getting pretty antsy to hit the 10 pound mark though so I need to step it up here soon.
Tomorrow night is the fist night of Passover and we'll be hosting a Seder at my house. For those who don't know - Passover is the one where we don't eat bread for a week. It's basically like going on a low carb diet. After tomorrow I should be pretty good diet wise. I'll spend the week eating some - not too much, matzah, lots of veggies, eggs, lean meat, etc. For the diet that goes over pretty well. Tomorrow night though may be a tough one. When my mom cooks and everyone gets together it's easy to over eat and over drink. But whatevs, it's a holiday and I say I'm allowed.

So for all my fellow Chosen Ones - I wish you all Chag Sameach!!! Oh and I'll be sharing some yummy low cal Maztah Brie and Matzah Pizza recipes this week so stay tuned.

And for the rest of you... enjoy your fatty cadbury eggs this week. Just kidding I actually LOVE cadbury eggs. Like I could probably eat them all day. Anyway if you are going to be enjoying any of those delicious and creamy chocolate eggs - please know that you are taking in 170 calories and 6 grams of fat for each one. Which, on it's own, actually isn't too bad. So if you are nothing like me and have any sort of self control, enjoy one egg and then walk away!

Sorry bout the weird Easter tangent. I'm done now. See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Chag Sameach Mich! Hope your seder was awesome.
    Luff you.
