Friday, February 27, 2009

I Need A Drink

And it's Friday. Which means less to me now than it once did. But sometimes I still pretend and treat it the same...

8:00am: Light String Cheese

9:00am: Fiber One Bar

10:30am: Leftover Rotini Pasta
** So I woke up really hungry today. Not in the mood for eggs so I just fished around for something else. The first two were good snacks but I was still hungry a bit later. I know some may find it odd that I'm eating pasta in the morning. But the truth is I can pretty much always eat dinner food for breakfast. I mean, I'd eat sushi first thing in the morning if I could.

1:30pm: String Cheese and Skinny Cow Ice Cream
** This is just one of those days when all I want to do is eat. So instead of making real meals I just eat random snacks. It's not very good. But this is precisely the reason why I buy all this "diet" food. That way when I'm having one of these days I know I'm at least better off than running over to Jack In The Box and getting a Jacky's Spicy Chicken sandwich with curly fries and buttermilk ranch dipping sauce. Right? Although that meal is just so delicious. It's unreal.

3:30pm: Kashi Bar

**Disclaimer: It is now Sunday morning. I am going to post as honestly as I can regarding the last day and a half. Or at least what I can remember =)**

The rest of the day on Friday consisted of the following meals and beverages:
5-6 Bud Lights
711 Sushi

1 glass of Champagne

Don't really want to remember how many shots of Vodka and Jagermeister (gross.)

Breakfast Burrito
1/2 of a BBQ Chicken Salad
A few bites of boneless buffalo chicken strips (YUM)
A bite of BBQ Chicken Pizza
(Hi Mike! Hi Tim! Did I get everything?)

String cheese
Broccoli w/ Kraft 2% slice of cheese
A couple pieces of turkey
About an entire bottle of red wine
Lean Cuisine Pizza

Wow. So there you have it. I know it's not very pretty but dammit I'm only human!


  1. YEAH not remembering how much shots....but of Jager? Oh Chadar Michi....seriously.
    Favourite part of this post? "711 Sushi." CLASSIC.

  2. i dont understand. was the vodka in the same shot as the jager or were you switch hitting? either situation is pretty gross, but i fully support the bottle of wine incident.
