Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 1

So it's Day 1 of my official food journal plan. Keeping a food journal is one thing but keeping one that pretty much anyone can read is quite another. I got up today around 7:45am. It's already been an hour and I have yet to eat anything. Even though I woke up feeling hungry - like stomach growling and everything. Which BTW is one the best feelings in the world when you're trying to lose weight. Well, for me it is. Anyway, it's almost like I'm scared to eat cause I know I'm gonna have to tell you guys about it. But don't worry I'll eat soon enough. Starving myself was never a skill I was fortunate enough to have.

9am: 2 pieces of Rocky Mtn Toast w/ onions and 1/2 of a tomato
** Anyone who has ever been on an overnight with Camp Ramah will know what Rocky Mtn Toast is. For everyone else please let me explain. You put a hole in a piece of toast and crack an egg into it while it's on the pan. I spray the pan a few times with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray first. Fry the whole thing in the pan and you're done. It is DELICIOUS. I know it's sometimes called other things but it'll always be Rocky Mtn Toast to me. You can see the whole thing in the picture. One more thing... I very rarely use real eggs. It's almost always Egg Beaters for me. But this one of those times when you need real eggs. And for anyone who's counting (which is not me right now) this meal comes out to 5 WW Pts. 4 pts for the eggs and 1 pt for the bread (Sara Lee 45 Calories Delightful Wheat Bread.) I don't count points for vegetables like onions and tomatoes.

11:30am: Fiber One Nonfat Yogurt - Peach Flavor
** 80 Calories. Lots of fiber. 1 pt. Yum.

4:00pm: 8pc Spicy Tuna Roll & Seaweed Salad

** I have a major addiction to sushi. Restaurant sushi, grocery store sushi, even 711 sushi - which is different from grocery store sushi. This time around it was grocery store sushi. Once I'm home with my groceries one of my favorite things to do is have a small sushi meal while putting everything away. It's just so good.
Speaking of grocery shopping... if anyone knows of a way that I could get paid to go grocery shopping, please, let me know! Even if I'm shopping for someone else, I still absolutely love doing it. Does that job exist - professional grocery shopper? Probably not huh.

7:00: Creamy Cheese Rotini w/Broccoli & Chicken and Roasted Asparagus w/Red Peppers & Lemon
** Both from a WW cookbook. Everything made with low and fat free cheese and lots of spices. Took a little longer than expected to cook but turned out pretty good. I really love cooking new recipes. Hopefully someday I'll be able to make this stuff without having to follow a recipe, but for now I'll stick to my cook books. For points purposes my guess is it was around 7 or 8 pts total. I didn't really measure out my portion but I think that's pretty accurate.

7:45: Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich

** 2 pts. Great dessert.

Well that's it for me today. Thanks for reading. See ya tomorrow!


  1. I promise that this will be the only time I criticize... fake butter "spray," low and fat-free dairy etc. are all examples of incomplete foods. To be honest, they're not even really foods to begin with—they're simply edible "food-like" substances. They serve to inhibit your body's ability to absorb real nutrients, and thus, end up nullifying their (false) claims of health benefits.

    Please, please look into In Defense of Food. Whether you give up your love for eating chemicals is entirely up to you, and not really any of my business. At the very least, while you're completing a food journal, it would be interesting to incorporate some real, whole, full-fatted foods (in moderation, of course) for the sake of comparison.

    I just don't want you, or the people that read this blog to think that something like low-fat milk is just a great, conveniently better option than whole. It doesn't, organic chemistry-speaking, have a complete protein structure—which means that your body can't absorb the calcium, vitamins or protein that we associate with the health-benefits of milk in general. Over the long term, low fat foods have the ability to permanently alter your body's nutrient-absorption mechanism, whether you start to eat real food or not.

    I honestly love the idea of this blog, and I hope you keep it up. I also hope that you do some serious research into what you're doing to your body.

  2. Ian - Please criticize all you want. Keep it coming. The truth is I'm sure the chemicals used to replace the fat and sugar in my foods cannot be good for me. My question is - for someone like me who likes to eat a lot and has a tendency to gain weight quickly, what is worse - the lack of nutrients in some (not all) of my foods or the health risks of being overweight? The research you suggest would help answer this I'm sure.
    And for the record - I don't only eat "fake" foods. I love fresh vegetable and fruits and meat and all kinds of nutrient rich foods too.
    Keep reading - you'll see. =)

  3. Chadar Michi - you made Rocky Mountain Toast. I mean. Can we be roommates?
